
Parliament of the World's Religion's Parade of Faiths

Members of various faith, spiritual cultural communities take part in the Parade of Faiths on Aug. 13, 2023 down Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in Chicago. The parade was a preview event for the Parliament of the World’s Religions that took place at McCormick Place Aug. 14-18, 2023. The parliament was founded in Chicago in 1893 and has convened six times over 30 years. (Cindy Flores Mocarski and Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
The Archdiocese of Chicago banner precedes the group from Old St. Mary’s Church in Chicago as they march in the Parade of Faiths. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Members of the American Sikh Community, dressed in orange to represent one of the “Five Beloved” (the first initiates installed in 1699), march in the parade. (Cindy Flores Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
Members of Chicago area faith, spiritual cultural communities take part in the Parade of Faiths. (Cindy Flores Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
Members of the American Sikh community make their way along Cermak Road. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Amity Singh (left) and Bhvneert Singh, brothers in faith from Aurora and Wauconda, Illinois, hoist high American Sikh community flags. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
A traveler takes in the Parade of Faiths from his limousine while waiting for the procession to pass along Cermak Road. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Sikh women sweep the street of impurities following the sprinkling of holy water in advance of the procession of the American Sikh community. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Shiva Kavadigaltu, six of the HSS USA community of the American Sikh community, makes her way along Cermak Road. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Sanatana Dharma a Sikh Saint Soldier gives his blessing as he makes his way along Cermak Road. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Lunitha Duthely of Miami, Fla., serves as torchbearer for this leg of the journey of Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run as the group makes it way along Indiana Avenue. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Hindu women perform in the parade. (Cindy Flores Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
The Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy performs as the group makes it way along Cermak Road. (Cindy Flores Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
The Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy performs as the group makes it way along Cermak Road. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
The Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy performs as the group as members faith, spiritual and cultural communities take part in the Parade of Faiths. (Cindy Flores Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
Two Chicago police officers watch the parade as the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy performs down Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in Chicago. (Cindy Flores Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
Spectators of varied faith traditions take in the procession as it makes its way along Cermak Road. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Acharya Lokesh blows air into a “holy shell” to sound the arrival of the Parade of Faiths. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
The HSS USA group, members of the America Sikh community announces the group’s arrival with drums. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
John Trapasso, a Buddhist from San Francisco, Calif., makes his way along Indiana Avenue. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
The Parade of Faiths makes its way north on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Drive toward the Wintrust Arena. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Spectators of varied faith traditions take in the procession as it makes its way along Cermak Road. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
