Around the Archdiocese

Around the Archdiocese is a free listing for Catholic events in the Archdiocese.
  • Include time, date, place, address and contact phone number (with area code).
  • Information will be listed at least one issue before the date of the event and information must be received at least two weeks before publication of that issue.
Mail your notice to:
Around the Archdiocese
Chicago Catholic
835 North Rush St.
Chicago, IL 60611
fax 312.534.7330
[email protected]

Content with Events Potpourri .


Living Nativity : Dec. 14, 2:30-4:30 p.m.; free outdoor event with actors and barnyard animals, music, Christmas readings in multiple languages; hot cocoa, cookies, and pony rides; presented by St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish at St. Barbara Church, 2859 S. Throop St., as a gift to the community and its children; all welcome; afterward, visit the historical St. Barbara Church for the 5 p.m. Mass and Simbang Gabi celebration, a traditional Filipino tradition for Christmas; free parking is available in the church parking lot; visit for more information.
Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites : For confirmed, practicing Catholics 18 and older who want to deepen their relationship with Jesus and feel called to a life of prayer as a lay person in the world; to learn more, contact Margaret at 773-505-5793 or [email protected].
Around the Archdiocese is a free listing for Catholic events in the Archdiocese of Chicago.
  • Include time, date, place, address and contact phone number (with area code).
  • Information will be listed at least one issue before the date of the event and information must be received at least two weeks before publication of that issue.
Mail your notice to:
Around the Archdiocese
Chicago Catholic
835 North Rush St.
Chicago, IL 60611
fax 312.534.7330

[email protected]
