
‘Let freedom ring!’ Pope calls for respect for rights

By Cindy Wooden | Catholic News Service
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Philadelphia — Not far from where the Liberty Bell is on display, Pope Francis urged the people of the United States to continue to “proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof,” as the bell’s inscription says.

Meeting Sept. 26 with members of the Hispanic community and immigrants at Independence National Historical Park, the pope said when governments respect human rights and freedoms, especially the right to religious liberty, they benefit from their citizens’ respect and care for others.

The “ringing words” of the U.S. Declaration of Independence proclaiming the equality of all men and women and their being endowed by their creator with “inalienable rights” continue to inspire people in the United States and around the world, the Argentina-born pope said.

But even such powerful words can ring hollow if they are not “constantly reaffirmed, re-appropriated and defended,” the pope said.

In a speech punctuated by off-the-cuff comments and explanations, Pope Francis urged immigrant communities in the United States to be “responsible citizens” of their new home without being ashamed of or hiding their cultural heritage.

Asking forgiveness for speaking in the language of geometry, the pope told the crowd that globalization is bad if it tries to erase all differences, placing everyone in sphere equally distant from one another and the center, but it is good if it respects differences, which are like the varied sides of a polyhedron.

Speaking from the same lectern President Abraham Lincoln used for the Gettysburg address, Pope Francis said the history of the United States is in many ways a history of progressively trying to live out the values affirmed in the Declaration of Independence. As examples, he cited the eventual abolition of slavery, the extension of voting rights, the growth of labor unions “and the gradual effort to eliminate every kind of racism and prejudice.”

When a government respects the right of its citizens to profess freely their faith and to live it publicly, the whole society benefits, the pope said.

Religions, he said, “call to conversion, reconciliation, concern for the future of society, self-sacrifice in the service of the common good and compassion for those in need.”

The religious dimension of a people’s life, he said, “is not a subculture. It is part of the culture of any people of any nation.”

The Quakers who founded Philadelphia, he said, “were inspired by a profound evangelical sense of the dignity of each individual and the ideal of a community united by brotherly love.”

At the Philadelphia gathering, Pope Francis said concern for the dignity of all, “especially the weak and the vulnerable, became an essential part of the American spirit.”

The pope used his speech “to thank all those, of whatever religion, who have sought to serve the God of peace by building cities of brotherly love, by caring for our neighbors in need, by defending the dignity of God’s gift of life in all its stages, by defending the cause of the poor and the immigrant.”

Those who stand up for the poor and the immigrant, he said, “remind American democracy of the ideals for which it was founded, and that society is weakened whenever and wherever injustice prevails.”

Dozens of cardinals and bishops attended the event as well. But Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, Texas, tweeted that they did not have their customary reserved seats up front and instead were “learning to live on the ‘periphery,’” a favorite term of Pope Francis. Being in the crowd, the bishop added, offered a “better perspective.”
