St. Catherine of Alexandria celebrates Holy Spirit with community churches

Members of St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish joined surrounding community churches in Oak Lawn for an Ecumenical Taize Prayer Service for Pentecost on May 30, 2023 at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. Participants took up a collection as well as donated donate socks, non-perishable food items and toiletries for the immigrants coming into the Chicago area. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Mike Maty from Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church joins members of his congregation for the opening song. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Pastor Dan Rather of Pilgrim Faith United Church of Christ leads Psalm 104:27-31 during the service. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Joanne Ryan from St. Catherine’s lights a candle during the service. Light and music are central to Taize prayer. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Members of Christ Centered Ministries sing. Each congregation came to the front of the church to lead a song during the service. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Geri Tiernan from St. Catherine of Alexandria gives a reading. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Phil Caffee, director of music at St. Catherine of Alexandria, shows participants the next hymn. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Father Fred Pesek, associate pastor at St. Catherine of Alexandria, sings with parishioners from their parish. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
