Cardinal Cupich welcomes new Catholics at Easter Vigil

Cardinal Cupich was the main celebrant during the Easter Vigil Mass with the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago on April 8, 2023. People from Holy Name Cathedral Parish became full members of the Catholic Church during the celebration by receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, as part of the RCIA process. On this night, hundreds of adults were baptized and received into the Catholic Church, and hundreds more completed their initiation by being confirmed. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
With assistance from Father Andy Matijevic, director of Liturgy, and Deacons Dennis Robak and Dan Welter, Cardinal Cupich prays during the blessing of the Holy Fire and preparation of the candle in the cathedral courtyard. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
With assistance from Father Andy Matijevic, director of Liturgy, and Deacons Dennis Robak and Dan Welter, Cardinal Cupich prays during the blessing of the Holy Fire and preparation of the candle in the cathedral courtyard. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich lights candles of members of the congregation in the opening procession. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich lights candles of members of the congregation in the opening procession. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Celebrating priests carry candles during the procession into the cathedral. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Soon to be new members of the church and their sponsors hold candles during the Exsultet, also known as "Service of Light" as "Christ Our Light" is sung. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Bishop Robert Casey and Father Louis Cameli hold candles during the Exsultet. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Soon to be new members of the church and their sponsors hold candles during the Exsultet, also known as "Service of Light" as "Christ Our Light" is sung. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Director of Music and Organist of Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, David Jonies, holds a candle near the organ before playing. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich gives the homily. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Denise Shaunassey is baptized by Cardinal Cupich. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon Dennis Robak holds the Easter candle as parishioner Charlene Soby lights a candle before the new Catholics are received into full communion. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Annika Hall lights her candle following her baptism. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Father Greg Sakowicz, cathedral rector, blesses the congregation after everyone renews their baptismal promises. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
The confirmandi hold their candles. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Gabrielle Rancifer is confirmed by Cardinal Cupich. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
