
Consolation ministers commissioned

By Catholic New World
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Consolation ministers commissioned

Ministers of consolation were commissioned at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Aug. 4 after undergoing a 12-hour training program developed by the National Catholic Ministry to the Bereaved and offered locally by Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The parish decided it wanted trained consolation ministers as an outgrowth of the Parish Transformation Project.
Fr.Carl Quebedeaux, pastor of OLG commisions the newly designated Ministers of Consolation at the 11:45 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in South Chicago on Aug. 4. The ministry is organized by Catholic Cemeteries. Those commissioned were: Francisco Aguilera, Guadalupe Álvarez, Juan P. Álvarez, Obdulia Aranda, María Fonseca, Deacon Ramón Jiménez, Rosa Jiménez, Paulina Meza, María Muñoz, Deacon Raúl Núñez, Martha Paramo, Rafael Paramo, María Estela Ramírez, Emilia Ruiz and Griselda Vargas. (Karen Callaway / Catholic New World)
Eva Bustamante, coordinator of the Bereavement Ministry program for Catholic Cemeteries, assists Fr. Quebedeaux in distributing medals to the recently commissioned Ministers of Consolation. (Karen Callaway / Catholic New World)
Parishioners pray over the recently commissioned Ministers of Consolation. (Karen Callaway / Catholic New World)

Ministers of consolation were commissioned at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Aug. 4 after undergoing a 12-hour training program developed by the National Catholic Ministry to the Bereaved and offered locally by Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The parish decided it wanted trained consolation ministers as an outgrowth of the Parish Transformation Project.

The ministers pray for the deceased and accompany those who mourn for them. The program helps the ministers understand the grief process and how to be a "loving listener."

Under guidance of the pastor they can assist the bereaved family, take part in liturgy planning, participate in the vigil service and do whatever is requested by the family or priest. If a priest or deacon isn't available they can accompany families for the committal service at the cemetery.

Training is available in English and Spanish. Interested parishes can contact Eva Bustamante at ebustamante@, (708) 236-5442 or
