At the end of Mass, we are blessed and sent “in peace to love and serve the Lord.” But how are we to be disciples of Christ in everyday life, outside of Mass? We realize that our Christianity is to be lived, but how do we do so in our ordinary life situations that can be so complicated and somewhat secular? The Gospel imperative is clear: We are to love God and love each other. More particularly, we know that when we serve “the least of these” we are serving Christ. Our discernment of God’s will begins at the Eucharist. It continues in our personal prayer. We should consider and “pray about” what gifts we have been given by God that can be of service to others. A spiritual director and/or spiritual friends can be helpful in this process of discernment. My pastoral experience has been that Catholics tend to miss or understate the gifts that they have been given by the Holy Spirit. What is obvious to others may not be obvious to us. If we come to know our gifts, we can still wonder what we can do specifically. Certainly, we should ask the Holy Spirit to guide us. Often the Spirit can speak to us through circumstances we encounter or, as with the parishioners, the invitation of another. St. Francis de Sales is insightful here. He observes that daily life provides many small opportunities to serve others. If God is calling us to assume a more extended service, this will become clear to us over time. “Start small” is good advice. We should consider that God can surprise us by his call. The call can be to do something modest but necessary for the welfare of others. At times we will plant seeds of goodness and others will reap the results in the future. My friend who volunteers with Habitat for Humanity contributes his time and talent but rarely meets the eventual owners of the house. Our service will call of us to practice the everyday virtues such as patience, humility, gentleness and simplicity. If we look at social media or other means of communication, it often appears that Catholic teaching focuses on “what not to do.” We realize that such an emphasis can spark conflict, attract attention and “sell.” We know from the “inside” that Catholic moral teaching is more positive. Morality is about becoming a certain kind of person. Our service is about practicing the virtues and becoming more like Christ. An important daily virtue is humility. Service is a two-way process. We need to spend more of our time listening to others than speaking. Usually those we think we are serving are also serving us. There is wisdom in paying attention and learning. Service to others can be personally enriching. A man I knew felt called to serve the dying. He spent many of his Saturday mornings helping at a hospice run by an order of sisters. He told me that he did whatever the sisters told him to do — which included cleaning the floor. He said he learned a great deal from speaking with the poor people who were dying. I was amazed at the humility of this prominent, successful attorney who for many years quietly served the poor. Service need not be complicated. Following the guidance of those who are more expert is not difficult, nor is it always hard to listen to others. Service to others can put us in touch with the simple living and detachment from material goods that Jesus teaches. Gentleness with others shows our respect for their human dignity. This virtue can gradually become evident in all or most of our daily interactions. Gentleness with others often reflects our gentleness with ourselves. Sometimes we need to silence our “inner critic,” rely on God’s mercy and share that mercy with the members of our community. The monsignor and the lawyer were both using their gifts to build a community of service. As Pope Francis continually reminds us, we are called to walk with others and to encounter others on the pilgrimage of life. Such friendships are one of the keys to our spiritual growth and to a joyful life. We pray for the others and ask them to pray for us. We “go in peace” seeking the guidance of the Spirit in serving others and letting others serve us.
Forming valuable bonds through Mercy Home’s mentor program Bridget Brzezinski was looking for a way to make a difference back in 2017, but she wasn’t sure exactly how to go about it. Near the entrance to her office building, she saw advertisements seeking Mercy Home volunteers, so she decided to make a call.
Those who volunteer more likely to consider vocations If women’s religious congregations want to find young women with religious vocations, the Catholic Volunteer Network has a simple suggestion: look among our volunteers.
Retirees share their time through Ignatian Volunteer Corps George Casson doesn’t think he does much at San Miguel School, 1954 W. 19th St. Casson, a retired attorney from Hinsdale, Illinois, and a member of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps, spends two days a week at the school, which operates on extended school year and an extended school day.