Parish creation care effort focuses on climate action

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a strong statement of support for bipartisan legislation that can mitigate the worst consequences of climate change. That’s all it took for a multi-parish Creation Care Team representing St. Francis, St. Stephen Deacon, St. Elizabeth Seton and Our Lady of the Woods in the Orland / Tinley Park suburbs to mobilize, educate and act.

Called the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, or “EICDA” (H.R. 763), the legislation puts an annually increasing “fee” on the carbon emissions of coal, natural gas and oil producers, and returns that fee to every American household in the form of a monthly dividend check. The legislation is designed to encourage a transition to “clean” energy technologies, without sacrificing economic growth and while growing jobs. It does this without harming poor or middle-class family finances.

The CCT created a multi-media exhibit that explained the legislation and showed the pain that Americans are beginning to suffer from climate change. Fr. Bill Corcoran, pastor at St. Elizabeth Seton, invited the team to display in the narthex between Masses and provide a short explanation at the lectern at the end of mass.

Team members spoke about the climate “call to action” from Pope Francis, the USCCB and the Archdiocese of Chicago. As parishioners exited, they could sign and personalize prewritten letters thatwere then hand delivered to impress legislators. During Masses on the weekend of Oct, 20, 2019 the team generated 500 letters asking their representatives to support the EICDA legislation (HR 763). 

In the spirit of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, this team is now networking with other parishes to loan the display and continue the process of keeping the pressure on Congress to support the legislation. Find a “how to” video and details at this link: .

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