
Meet our newest deacons

The Archdiocese of Chicago, as part of this year’s Diaconate Ordination, ordained 12 men as permanent deacons and two men as transitional deacons on May 11, 2024 at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. Cardinal Cupich was the principal celebrant and homilist. (Deacon Randy Belice, Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Jair Gomez, a member of the St. Aloysius Youth Group at Mother of Americas Parish, carries the incense in the opening procession. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
The ordinandi, deacon priests, bishops join Cardinal Cupich for the opening procession. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon candidate Arnoldo Martínez and his wife Blanca Godínez process into the cathedral. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon candidate Deacon Mario Henriquez and his wife Violeta process into the cathedral. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon candidate Richard Duda and Kimberley Duda process into the cathedral. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon candidate Cristian Enrique García Nuño processes into the cathedral. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Jose Hugo Arellano-Ibarra gives the first reading. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Ryszard Skreczyna gives the second reading. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic
Deacon Bob Puhala proclaims the Gospel. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
After having their names called as part of the Election of Candidates, the deacon candidates stand and acknowledge the faithful. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Fathers Daniel Korenchan and Rob Ryan applaud for the candidates. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon candidate Rafael Yáñez gives his Promise of Respect and Obedience to the cardinal. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
The men lie prostrate before the altar during litany of supplication as the congregation prays over them. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
The new deacons lie prostrate in front of the cardinal while he and the congregation prays during the Litany of Supplication. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich lays hands on the head of candidate Victor de Avila. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Family and friends of the ordinandi pray during Mass. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich lays hands on the head of deacon candidate Juan Chávez. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon Mario Henriquez is vested by his wife Violeta and Father Jacque Beltran, former pastor at Most Blessed Trinity Parish in Waukegan. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich exchanges the kiss of peace with the new deacons. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich exchanges the kiss of peace with the new deacons. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon James Norman, vicar for deacons, exchanges the kiss of peace with the new deacons. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich presents the Book of the Gospels to newly ordained Deacon Alfredo Cortés. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
A young boy gets comfortable during Mass. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich presents the Book of the Gospels to newly ordained Deacon Canon Kevin Michael Menard. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich accepts the gifts from newly ordained deacon wives Kimberly Duda, Maria Violeta Henriquez and Deacon Garcia's mother, Jovita Garcia during Mass. (Karen Callaway/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon Juan Carlos Bautista, Deacon of the Eucharist, incenses Cardinal Cupich. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon Juan Carlos Bautista, Deacon of the Eucharist, incenses the congregation. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich elevates the Eucharist. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Deacons pray during the Eucharistic Prayer. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon Juan Carlos Bautista, Deacon of the Eucharist, assists Cardinal Cupich during the Eucharistic prayer. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Deacons Mario Javier Delgado and Eustolio Acosta distribute Communion. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
The new deacons, priests, bishops join Cardinal Cupich for the final procession. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
The new deacons, priests, bishops join Cardinal Cupich for the final procession. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Cardinal Cupich blesses the congregation during the final procession. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon Aldolfo Ramirez gives a first blessing following the Mass. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
Deacon Arnoldo Martínez joins family and friends for photos. (Deacon Randy Belice/Chicago Catholic)
