
Murals at Fullerton L stop highlight history of DePaul University

Vincentian Brother Mark Elder, a longtime art professor at DePaul University, created a mural installation at the CTA’s Fullerton L stop that was completed in October 2022. Students from his mural class assisted him. The murals represent the history of DePaul University. (Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
Brother Elder stands near some of the pillars on Oct. 29. (Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
(Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
DePaul senior Tayvia Ridgeway shows of her mural. She was the only student to create their own mural. She has worked with Elder on the murals since she was a freshman. (Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
The murals are adhered to cement pillars beneath the L tracks. (Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
(Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
A mural depicting St. Vincent de Paul. (Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
(Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
(Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
A mural depicting Chicago Archbishop Patrick Feehan who asked the Vincentian community to start a college here. (Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
(Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
(Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
This mural recognizes the Chicago Transit Authority, which connects DePaul's Lincoln Park campus with its Loop campus. (Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
(Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
(Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
(Cynthia Flores-Mocarski/Chicago Catholic)
