Father Lawrence F. Springer, 90, died June 28. He was the former associate pastor of St. Zachary Parish, Des Plaines.
Born in Chicago, Father Springer attended Quigley Preparatory Seminary and the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary before being ordained in 1959.
He served as assistant pastor of St. Matthias; St. Mary, Buffalo Grove; and Our Lady of Victory parishes. He was associate pastor of St. Athanasius, Evanston; St. Joseph, Libertyville; St. John Brebeuf, Niles; St. Linus, Oak Lawn; and St. Zachary. He retired in 2003.
Father Ronald Kalas, vicar for senior priests and one of Father Springer’s classmates, recalled how his friend “loved the church from the time he was an altar server, then to the seminary days and then to his 65 years of priesthood.”
Kalas added that his classmate “served in many parishes and enjoyed carefully following the liturgical renewal and even donated vestments to the parishes he served.”
Deacon Casimir “Casey” Fronczek, 99, died June 28. One of two deaf deacons ordained for the Archdiocese of Chicago, he served at the St. Francis Borgia Deaf Center.
He is survived by his sons Daniel and David, five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife, Alice.
Redemptorist Father Gregory Schmitt, 81, died June 30 in Kansas City, Missouri. He was still preaching with the Unbound ministry and involved with the social services programs at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Redemptorist Church at the time of his death.
Born in Wisconsin, he professed first vows as a Redemptorist in 1964 and began his theological studies. He professed his perpetual vows in 1967 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1969.
After earning master’s degrees in divinity and religious education, he ministered in Missouri, Minnesota and North Dakota. In 1978, he joined the mission team stationed at St. Alphonsus Parish (Wellington Avenue) and traveled throughout the country for six years.
He then ministered in parishes in Michigan and Missouri, while taking on leadership responsibilities for his community.
Father Greg served as a pastor, local superior and retreat center director in Washington, California and Louisiana before joining the mission team at St. Michael Parish (Cleveland Avenue) in 2011.
He returned to Kansas City as a missionary in residence in 2018.
Sister of St. Joseph Barbara Lord, 92, died July 5.
Sister Barbara had been a member of the congregation for 73 years.
Born in Chicago, she attended St. Eulalia Parish, Maywood. She was an educator at St. Joseph Academy; St. Hugh, Lyons; St. Elizabeth; Our Lady of Pompeii; and St. Viator. In her later years, she offered community support services and was a seamstress for her congregation.
She is survived by her sister, Carol Lord.