Viatorian Father George J. Auger, 87, died June 2 at Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights.
Father Auger had degrees in English and religious education from Loyola University Chicago and DePaul University, a teaching certificate in French/English bilingual education from the Ecole Normale in Rigaud, Canada, and a diploma in the theology of religious life from the Lumen Vitae program in Brussels.
He taught at St. Viator High School, Arlington Heights (1961-1963, 1965-1971) and was director of the retirement wing of the Viatorian province center in Arlington Heights (1996-2004). He also taught at other high schools, served in parishes in other Illinois communities and served as his congregation’s general councilor in Rome (1988-1994).
He returned to the province center from an assignment as pastor in Kankakee in 2007, and he served as chaplain for the Little Sisters of the Poor in Palatine (2013-2016).
He is survived by his brother, Paul.
Providence Sister Edna Scheller, 88, died June 8 in St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
Sister Edna entered the Sisters of Providence in 1950 and professed final vows in 1957.
She was an educator and health care administrator and director of transportation for her community. She ministered in Indiana, Illinois, North Carolina and California.
In the Archdiocese of Chicago, she taught at St. Francis Borgia (1952-1955).
Sister Edna is survived by a brother, Thomas Scheller.