
Sr. Marie Juan Maney

Sinsinawa Dominican Sister Marie Juan Maney, 89, died Dec. 2 in Sinsinawa, Wisconsin. Born in Wisconsin, Sister Marie Juan made her first vows in 1947 and her final vows in 1950. Nebraska and Minnesota.

In the Archdiocese of Chicago, Sister Marie Juan taught at St. Luke, River Forest (1955- 1958), and St. Sabina (1959-1967). She served as liturgist and music director at St. Cajetan Parish (1984-1988).

She is survived by her sisters Eileen Nettesheim and Margaret Loughney.

Sr. Anne Michelle LaMarre


Loretto Sister Anne Michelle LaMarre, 88, died Nov. 28 in Kentucky.

Born in Kankakee, Illinois, she entered the Sisters of Loretto in 1946 and made final vows in 1952.

Sister Anne Michelle taught Catholic primary grades, kindergarten and preschool for six decades in Illinois, including more than 27 years at St. Paul of the Cross in Park Ridge, and in Missouri and Texas.

While teaching, Sister Anne Michelle became known to many of her students as Mother Goose, dressing the part when she read to her young charges. The most important thing in teaching little ones, she said, was to love each child, to let each child know that he or she was lovable and was loved.

At St. Paul of the Cross, she taught primary grades and preschool from 1982 to 2006. She spent three more years there as a teacher assistant and librarian.

Sr. Dolores Mary Koza


Sister of St. Joseph-Third Order of St. Francis Dolores Mary (Aurelia) Koza, 89, died Nov. 27.

She was a teacher, director of novices, provincial of SSJ TOSF, director of religious education and pastoral associate, and had been in religious life for 71 years. In the Archdiocese of Chicago, she ministered at Lourdes High School, Immaculata Congregational Home, St. Leo the Great Parish and Our Lady of the Snows.

Sr. Alice Wolski


Sister Alice (Walter Marie) Wolski, 94, died Nov. 28 in Adrian, Michigan.

Sister Alice was born in Detroit and was in her 76th year of religious life.

Sister Alice ministered in Michigan, Illinois, Florida and Ohio. In the Archdiocese of Chicago, she taught at Queen of Angels (1941- 1948).

Sr. Margaret Ann White


Sister of St. Joseph Margaret Ann White, 85, died Nov. 25.

She had been in religious life for 66 years.

Sister Margaret Ann was a teacher at Divine Infant, Westchester; St. Hugh, Lyons; St. Francis Xavier, LaGrange and Our Lady of Bethlehem, LaGrange. She was director of the learning center at St. Francis Xavier, La- Grange, and secretary to the development and alumni Office at Nazareth Academy. Sister Margaret Ann was also secretary of the Congregation of St. Joseph and secretary to the Comboni Fathers.

She is survived by her sister, Dominican Sister Colleen White.

Deacon Gene O’Hern

Ministered in Florida

Deacon Gene O’Hern, 73, and his wife, Carol O’Hern, 75, died Dec. 12 in a car accident in Gainesville, Florida.

Deacon O’Hern was ordained in 1999 and served at St. Thomas of Villanova Parish in Palatine. He and his wife moved to Rockledge, Florida, in 2003. He ministered at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Cocoa, Florida, where they were members. He also worked as finance director of St. Mary Parish in Rockledge.

Fr. William Sheridan


Father William Sheridan, 90, died Dec. 9. For most of his priestly ministry, he was on the faculty of Quigley Preparatory Seminary North.

Born in Chicago, he attended St. Nicholas of Tolentine School, Mount Carmel High School, Quigley Preparatory Seminary North and the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary before being ordained in 1954.

He also earned a master’s degree in classics the University of Notre Dame.

Father Sheridan served as assistant pastor at St. Bonaventure (1954-1957). He then began teaching at Quigley Preparatory Seminary North, while residing at St. Philip Neri Parish, and served as a professor, spiritual director and athletic director. He continued to teach until his retirement in 1995. Father Sheridan also remained a resident of St. Philip Neri Parish, serving the parish community until his passing.

In a 2011 interview with the Catholic New World, Father Sheridan reflected on the importance of his vocation, “I can say without a doubt, the greatest blessing of my life has been the gift of priesthood.”
