Sister of Christian Charity Mary Mercedes (Marie) Johnson, 91, died Sept. 27 at Sacred Heart Convent, Wilmette. She was 91 years old.
Born in Minnesota, she entered the candidacy in 1941. She made first vows in 1946 and perpetual vows in 1952.
For 46 years, she ministered as a cook in convents in Wilmette, Chicago and other cities in the Midwest, and at the Generalate in Rome.
In 1992 she volunteered to go to Fulton, Missouri, where she embarked on a new ministry: parish visitor and director of an after-school program. She returned to Wilmette in 2008.
Adrian Dominican Sister Hilda Nadine (Carl Edward) Sheehan, 81, died Oct. 4, while attending a Dominican Sisters Conference at the Mary-knoll Sisters in Ossining, New York.
Born in Michigan, she was in the 62nd year of her religious life.
She was an educator in Illinois, Michigan, California and Georgia, and a family nurse practitioner and primary care nurse in Kentucky and Michigan. In 2017 she was appointed vicaress of the Adrian Dominican Vicariate, where she served until her death.
In the Archdiocese of Chicago, she taught at St. Mary of Mount Carmel (1957-1961); St. Rita Elementary (1961-1965); Bishop Quarter, Oak Park (1965-1966); and Queen of Angels (1966-1968).
She is survived by three sisters: Laurine Jessop, Sharon Crisan and Jacqueline Noonan; and one brother, Carl.
Sinsinawa Dominican Sister Marie Amanda Allard, 91, died Oct. 7 in Sinsinawa, Wisconsin.
Born in Kewanee, Illinois, Sister Marie Amanda made her first religious profession in 1947 and her final profession in 1950.
After teaching and serving as a principal for 21 years, Sister Marie Amanda was elected prioress of the Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation for two terms, serving from 1967 to 1977 and leading the congregation through the changes of the Second Vatican Council.
Sister Marie Amanda also ministered in diocesan administration, including director of education, director of the permanent diaconate program and as director of lay ministry formation, totaling 19 years. She served in Illinois, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Minnesota, Texas and Oklahoma.
In the Archdiocese of Chicago, Sister Marie Amanda taught at Epiphany (1947-1954).
Daughter of Charity Phyllis Nolan, 83, died Oct. 9.
Born in Chicago, Sister Phyllis graduated from the Immaculata and entered the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul from St. Bartholomew Parish in 1953.
She taught in Missouri, Nevada, Puerto Rico and Texas.
In 1979, she went as a missionary to Bolivia, serving in catechetical and pastoral ministry in Trinidad, La Paz, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba before returning to the United States in 2000.
She then served in pastoral ministry in Texas and Arkansas, and as a legal assistant, English as a Second Language teacher and advocate for unaccompanied minors in Texas before returning to the Seton Residence in Evansville, Indiana, in 2014.