Around the Archdiocese

Around the Archdiocese is a free listing for Catholic events in the Archdiocese.
  • Include time, date, place, address and contact phone number (with area code).
  • Information will be listed at least one issue before the date of the event and information must be received at least two weeks before publication of that issue.
Mail your notice to:
Around the Archdiocese
Chicago Catholic
835 North Rush St.
Chicago, IL 60611
fax 312.534.7330
[email protected]

Content with Events Spiritual Growth .

Spiritual Growth

St. Peter's Church Friday Bible sessions : Fridays beginning Sept. 13; 12:15-1 p.m.; "Living This Sunday's Gospel" moderated by Fr. Tom Ess, OFM; in the St. Clare Auditorium at St. Peter Church, 110 W. Madison St.; all are invited; free; for information, call 312-853-2376 or visit
"Leadership Like Fire" : Sept. 25, 10 a.m.; explore leadership through the lives of Vincent de Paul, Therese Couderc, and Catherine McAuley; led by Mark Piper; hosted by Cenacle sisters via Zoom; for information, visit
"Respond with Hope" first Friday program : Oct. 4, 9:30 a.m.; reflect on how hope calls people to care for creation and the poor, led by Sr. Mary Peters, rc; at the National Shrine of St. Frances Cabrini. 2520 N. Lakeview Ave.; for information, visit
"Collage of Words and Dreams" : Tuesdays in October, 10 a.m. to noon; four-week online creative journey exploring life through words, dreams and art; hosted by Cenacle sisters via Zoom; for information, visit
Conferencia XXXVI Carismatica Católica : Oct. 12, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Oct. 13, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Spanish-language Catholic charismatic conference at the Midwest Conference Center, 401 W. Lake St. Northlake; $25 in advance, $30 at door; for information, call Mireya García at 773-342-6473 or José Echeverria at 773-419-6135.
NextGen young adult group : Every first Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m.; Mass followed by "digging deeper" activity with young adult group that welcomes all at Old St. Michael's Church, 1633 N. Cleveland Ave.; for details, visit
Around the Archdiocese is a free listing for Catholic events in the Archdiocese of Chicago.
  • Include time, date, place, address and contact phone number (with area code).
  • Information will be listed at least one issue before the date of the event and information must be received at least two weeks before publication of that issue.
Mail your notice to:
Around the Archdiocese
Chicago Catholic
835 North Rush St.
Chicago, IL 60611
fax 312.534.7330

[email protected]
